Reusing & citing

Reusing content from the online encyclopedia of quadrature rules

The text, images, and other content on this website may be reused under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license: this means that you can reuse any of the content as long as you attribute the online encyclopedia of quadrature rules. For reuse on a website, you could attribute us by including a link to the online encyclopedia of quadrature rules; for reuse in print, you could attribute us by including "" somewhere near the image or information; for reuse in a paper, you could cite the online encyclopedia of quadrature rules.

Citing the online encyclopedia of quadrature rules

The code used to generate this website is available on GitHub under an MIT license.

On each quadrature rule's page, you can find citations for the paper(s) that introduced that rule. These papers should be cited when using a given rule. If you wish to cite this website itself, you can use the following BibTeX:

       AUTHOR = {Scroggs, Matthew W.
                 and Dokken, Jørgen S.},
        TITLE = {The online encyclopedia of quadrature rules},
         YEAR = {{2025}},
 HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{}},
         NOTE = {[Online; accessed 22-January-2025]}

This will create a reference along the lines of: